
Julien Creuzet
Julien Creuzet’s poetic considerations of racialized corporeality sends us through a deep, enchanting scenery of kinetic visuals driven by a sonic landscape that shines light on the artist’s African heritage.
Produced as part of a sculpture of the same title, the film draws its imagination from an ecological disaster; contamination of soils, rivers and groundwater in Martinique and Guadeloupe by chlordecone — a pesticide used to control the banana weevil between 1972 and 1993. The title, “Assidule” is taken from a song, written for the occasion to Afro-pop music, dynamic and joyful, a nod to Caribbean cultures mixing festivity and sadness.
Diaries: Era of Good Feelings is an online exhibition presented by 47 Canal and curated by Mark Pieterson , in collaboration with DIS.ART. It brings together various works by six artists that extend the affective possibilities for empathy, care, and connection through the haptic. Also featured is a newly commissioned essay “The Vicissitudes of Touch: Annotations on the Haptic” by Rizvana Bradley. To view the exhibition in full, please visit