Operation Jane Walk

Total Refusal
We are inside Tom Clancy’s The Division multiplayer game, released in 2016. But instead of joining the government militia to rebuild a post-apocalyptic NYC, Total Refusal takes us on an architecture tour that uncovers the hypocrisies behind the making of the New York landscape, from the proliferation of 19th century brownstones to the deindustrialization of Manhattan in the 70s and the ensuing Trump era. Your tour guides level their firearms, not to shoot but to point out the projects, the UN building, or the sewer system and its history. Some of these buildings are gigantic effigies to the triumph of capitalism, now decayed. These digitized monuments to greed and delusions of grandeur will in all likelihood outlast their physical counterparts (like Notre Dame has in Assassin's Creed). Ironically the game may play a part in their decline, as the financial opportunity found in the digital world and its ability to provide escapism renders them surfeit.