The Influencing Machine Presents: Spooky Castle

Aaron Moulton, Jak Ritger, Abbey Pusz
It’s the 90s and the Eastern Bloc has fallen. You are Hungarian-American billionaire, George Soros, and you see a golden opportunity to turn a bunch of ex-commies into customers via ushering in free market capitalism and embedding neoliberalism. What do you do? Among other things, Art. Not making it yourself, of course. You put your NGO, The Open Society Institute, to work, funding a network of 20 museums and art institutions that cover the region and spread the most advanced curatorial program the world has ever seen.
This is the story of the forgotten Soros Centers for Contemporary Art… told for the first time by our eerie-horned hosts Ba’al (Aaron Moulton) and his petrified sidekick, JakRa (Jak Ritger) after eons of research. Is the SCCA to blame for the craven "socially engaged" art that congests every biennial? Did they fund some of the most thought-provoking and innovative art of the past few decades? While the idea that Mr. Soros is a driving force behind the wokeification of our cultural institutions is not a revelation to the paranoid among us, Ba'al and JakRa forgo the tinfoil hats in favor of analytic rigor. Is it conspiracy or theory? Neither. It's art history.
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