Is Meta a company, or the general state of being online? What subliminal messaging is influencing me as I fall asleep to ASMR? How do algorithmically curated choices interact with our free will? Do I gain comfort watching mukbang videos and cleaning tutorials, or anxiety? How are teen hype houses on social media influencing elections? Could video games be used as social experiments for implementing new economic systems? Can we hack the digital classroom? What, if any, online experiences remain that don’t relate back to a consumptive practice? Tech now defines us––not the other way around. It is not just a neutral instrument, a means to an end, but has become our way of understanding the world, evolving at a pace that is beyond our cumulative imagination.

Always On My Mind

The Future of Life

Ep 07 —
The Bots (Spanish Market)

Moscow Hotel is sick of your tears

Counterfeit Poast

Literally No Place

The Metaverse in Janky Capitalism

Up Next


September 5th, 2006

Ep 01 —
DKP is Market Socialism


Ep 02 —
The Slow Red Pill

Ep 03 —
On Platforms

After Scarcity

Ep 04 —
The Bots (Turkish Market)

Ep 05 —
The Bots (English Market)

Ep 06 —
The Bots (Greek Market)

Ep 02 —
We Have To Meet Things Halfway: Graham Harman

Inside Pionen

Ep 01 —
The Bots (Greek Market)

Ep 02 —
The Bots (Arab Market)

Ep 03 —
The Bots (Italian Market)

Gretchen Bender: TV, Text and Image Focus Group

Ep 04 —
Southern Gothic

The Drone is the Message

Ep 01 —

Ep 02 —

Ep 03 —
Panera's Basilisk

Ep 04 —


Ep 01 —
Controlled Opposition

Ep 04 —
Seasonal Associate By Heike Geissler